Tag: blog

  • Ghost is federating over ActivityPub

    link: activitypub.ghost.org When I started this blog, I thought that Ghost looked really great but I chose WordPress largely because there was an official ActivityPub plugin being developed. So I find the news that Ghost is adopting ActivityPub this year to become part of the Fediverse. Email gave us private messaging technology that isn’t owned…

  • Making WordPress ActivityPub play nice with CloudFlare caching

    I like the idea of syndicating the content that I share here across the Fediverse, so the recent announcement of an official WordPress ActivityPub plugin was one of the main reasons I decided to use WordPress when setting up my blog. Though the plugin still has some rough edges and missing features, overall I think…

  • A New Hope

    After a 10+ year hiatus, I have decided that it is time to start sharing content again in a space that I own. I am no longer interested in depending on platforms owned by mega-corporations. I left Facebook years ago on philosophical grounds, even though it means that I sacrifice connection with friends and family.…