Recommended: Nimona

We recently watched Nimona with Auggie and all thought it was such an excellent movie. It was way better than I was expecting and I’d recommend giving it a watch.

Nimona Official Trailer

I liked the characters, the style, the feel, and the message, and I think it deserves its Oscar nomination—though I’m not entirely sure the New York Times would fully agree:

“Nimona,” a zingy, chintzy, idea-driven animated feature, was once a Tumblr comic, an art school thesis and an award-winning graphic novel (all three incarnations by the author ND Stevenson). Then, in 2021, it became an internet cri de coeur when Disney shut down production on a feature. Annapurna and Netflix stepped in, and the final film version, directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane from a script by Robert L. Baird and Lloyd Taylor, is a rush job with little resemblance to the much bleaker web comic. But it’s a vivid creature all its own.

I was not aware of Nimona before seeing this, but now I’m curious and plan to check out the graphic novel.

There were some parts that I worried might be a little too scary for a six year old, but Auggie seemed to be just fine with the whole thing. This gave me the confidence to watch Spirited Away with him yesterday, which he really loved. At one point during Spirited Away, he said “This movie is really good. The stuff in the background looks so amazing!”

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