I’ve been interested in flags since I was in elementary school and I programmed the Logo turtle to draw flags I found in one of my classroom’s encyclopedias. A great flag can be a real asset to a community, helping to build identity and pride in a place and a people. While Minnesota does have a strong culture, the Minnesota state flag has always been disappointing.
Welp, Minnesota finally has a new state flag, and I think it’s quite good.

When the commission released the five finalists I actually gasped when I saw this one that ended up being chosen for the final design. I was particularly enamored by the shape of the dark blue patch on the left that resembles the outline of the state of Minnesota, which I maintain has one of the best state outlines in the whole nation.

While I appreciate most of the refinements the committee made, I do wish they had maintained some stripes on the right half. The star they chose is certainly better, and I like that it matches the star on the floor of the rotunda in the state capitol.
I enjoyed reading through the State Emblems Redesign Commission’s final report, and found this page to be particularly nice:

I’m really looking forward to seeing this flag flying across the state this year, and I’m considering putting up a flag pole at my house just so I can fly it.
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